R&S SM300
Module Registration Software
Version 04
Service Manual SM300: 1147.1652.00
Instrument Part No SM300: 1147.1498.03
1.5 Module Registration Software
1.5.1 Introduction
The Series 300 module registration software is used to register new or
repaired modules inside an instrument and to write service information to the
The software can also be used to modify incorrect or to enter missing part
numbers and serial numbers into modules (see “Incorrect or missing part
numbers and serial numbers handling”).
certificate for the
It is also used to generate a one-page calibration certificate after the
generator module is replaced. All generator modules that are shipped as
spare parts have already been calibrated. The detailed calibration report for
the module is included in the module shipment.
The calibration certificate for the customer consists of the one-page certificate
plus the module calibration report. The one-page certificate is required in
order to match the module part and serial numbers to the instrument part and
serial numbers.
The Series 300 module registration software needs to be run
time any
of the following spare parts have been replaced:
Spare parts
Generator module SM300
Control PC module
Power supply module
Front unit SM300 with spinwheel,
keyboard PC and keypad
Important note
The Series 300 module registration software is required in order to ensure
that the instrument will function correctly after the measurement, power
supply and PC modules are replaced.
If the front unit and backplane are replaced, instrument function will not be
affected, but running the service application is highly recommended to track
changes and repairs in the instrument.
This application was created for use in authorized services centers only. It
allows the user to view instrument data and current instrument configuration.
The user can enter all necessary information about modifications performed
and store them on the instrument.
The steps to be performed are as follows:
Get serial numbers
The serial numbers of the measurement, power supply and control PC
modules will be read out automatically before and after replacement. If
the backplane and front unit (which includes the keyboard PCB) are to be
replaced, the board serial numbers of the spare parts need be read from
the board or package label. Serial number format: Module serial numbers
are six-digit decimal numbers. Example: 100576. Board serial numbers
are nine- or ten-digit decimal numbers. Example: 235000645.