User’s Guide
Channel Setup
All units in a network must operate on a single channel. The available
channels vary by the internal wireless modem’s frequency, and channel
ranges are set by RAE Systems to correspond with the wireless modem
This is the modem frequency and its channel ranges:
2.4 GHz:
Channels 11 through 26
Scroll until “Channel Setup” is selected.
Press [MODE] to view or change the channel. The range of available
channels is shown in parentheses. The screen also shows the channel
number, with the cursor blinking on the first digit:
Step from digit to digit from left to right by pressing [MODE]. Change a
digit’s value by pressing [Y/+] to increase and [N/-] to decrease. When
you press [MODE] you see a flashing “?” after the second digit:
Save your changes by pressing [Y/+].
Exit without saving changes by pressing [N/-].
Step back to the first digit by pressing [MODE].