User’s Guide
Ping Net
Pinging tests the radio connection between the EchoView and other units
on its network. (A “ping” is a short signal sent to the network to prompt a
reply; it contains no other data.)
Scroll until “Ping Net” is selected.
Press [MODE] to ping the network. This message appears:
Press [Y/+]. The Echoview broadcasts a ping signal to its network. All
devices in the network that receive the ping signal respond with a beep if
they are within the range. (The Echoview does not beep or flash its LED
lights.) You can also ping from an instrument in the network. If it is
within range, the EchoView responds with a beep and an LED light
If a network ping is unsuccessful, check the following:
Is the antenna attached?
Does the PAN ID match the PAN ID of other instruments in the
Does the Channel match the channel on which the other instruments
are operating?
Are the other instruments turned on and within range?