Performing Initial Configuration of the SCOPIA Elite MCU | 29
RADVISION | Installation Guide for SCOPIA Elite 5200 Series MCU Version 7.5
Step 1
Connect the network cable of the management subnet to the left ethernet port only, and activate
the unit.
Figure 4-8
Two ethernet connectors of the SCOPIA Elite MCU
Do not connect the media subnet cable until the MCU has been reset at the end of this
Step 2
Access the MCU in a web browser and login.
Step 3
Select the Configuration
Step 4
Select the Advanced IP (Dual-NIC) Configuration check box to expand that section of the page.
Figure 4-9
Dual-NIC configuration for management and media subnets
Step 5
Under Management Interface, enter the IP information for the management subnet:
Enter the MCU’s IP address on the management subnet in the Primary IP address field.