PiXtend eIO Hardware Manual
5.6.2.PC with USB-RS485 Dongle as Master
The structure described here is suitable as a test setup in the office or laboratory area and
can only be seen as an example. A real construction in the industrial environment, for
example, has very different requirements and must be designed accordingly. All important
information can be found in the chapter
Technical Data & Connection Notes
But let's start with the test setup!
We use the following components:
1x Computer with USB port
1x PiXtend eIO Digital One Pro (QS item: 801)
1x PiXtend eIO Analog One Pro (QS item: 811)
1x USB-RS485 dongle (QS item: 132)
1x PiXtend eIO Cable set with termination (QS item: 915)
approx. 2 meters of stranded wire - red - (1x 0.75 mm²)
approx. 2 meter wire - black or blue - (1x 0.75 mm²)
Laboratory power supply with setting to 24 V, min. 1 A
We assume here that all eIO devices are configured to factory settings. You can find the
settings for PiXtend eIO in this document starting on page 11.
Make sure that all the devices listed are disconnected from the supply
voltage before wiring and further work is started.
For the USB dongle, it is sufficient that it is removed from the
computer or USB hub.
The USB dongle used here can be combined with many different computer systems -
Raspberry Pi Computer, Windows Desktop PC or Laptop, computers with Linux or iOS
operating systems and a variety of embedded devices.
Copyright by Qube Solutions GmbH
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