PiXtend eIO Hardware Manual
For analog signals, we generally recommend shielded connection cables. This becomes
particularly important when the lines are routed in the immediate vicinity of large pulsed
currents (e.g., drives or transformers) or other sources of interference.
If PiXtend eIO Analog One is used in a metal housing or control box, it is advisable to
connect the shielding to a grounded and bare metal surface (purchase earthing clamps
and screwed connections in the hardware store or electronics retailer). There must be
(made) an electrically conductive connection between GND and the housing / control
cabinet (usually PE protective grounding).
The shield pad/assembly should be placed as close as possible to the eIO inputs.
For cables smaller than three meters, unshielded cables can also be used.
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Figure 43: Principle circuit diagram: GND connection