Configuration manual
10. Software Upgrade
bootloader# mupdate bootloader
#Input the mupdate bootloader command, and use ymodem to transmit the bootloader file
that has been saved on the PC.
#Check the result.
#After the upgrade is completed, the following message is printed under the bootloader
Copy to Flash... done
....................................... done
Protected 39 sectors
Update bootloader OK.
Step 5:
Check the result.
#After the upgrade is completed and the device is restarted, the system is booted by the new
================== Boot from master bootloader ==================
Press ctrl+c to enter bootloader mode: 0
Use boot parameter 0:
device=flash0, file=rp39-
Loading: ..............
52040332 bytes in 2297 ms (21.6 MiB/s)
Upgrade through the Console port is complex and slow, so the TFTP/FTP
upgrade mode is recommended. The Console port upgrade mode is used
only when the upgrade conditions of the TFTP/FTP upgrade mode fail to be
After the upgrade is completed, use the reset command to exit bootloader
program. Then, the new monitor program boots the loading of the image
If the default rate of the Console port has been modified in upgrading the
bootloader program, the rate of the device Console port automatically
resumes to 9600 bps when loading the image program package. At this
time, the rate of the HyperTerminal needs to be modified synchronously.