Configuration manual
1. System Operation Basics
CTRL+W -- erase a word on the left of current cursor
CTRL+R -- erase a word on the right of current cursor
CTRL+D,DEL -- erase a character on current cursor
BACKSPACE -- erase a character on the left of current cursor
CTRL+B,LEFT -- current cursor backward a character
CTRL+F,RIGHT -- current cursor forward a character
To list all commands and their brief description in any command mode, type "?" in the
command mode.
Hostname#configure terminal
Hostname(config)# ?
3g-modem 3g modem reset by sms configure
aaa Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
access-list Access list
alarm Set the utilization factor alarm of the cpu or
apply Command apply
arp Set a static ARP entry
banner Define a login banner
bgp BGP information
bridge Bridge Group
cam Config cam global parameters
cardreset-exception Cardreset exception handling for Modem card
cellular Cellular
..................................................... ......... ......
Type a command followed by "?", and all sub-commands that can be executed in the
current mode are displayed.
Hostname#show ?
3g-modem-reset 3g modem reset correlative information
about Print the copyright information
access-list Access List
access-list-reflexive List reflexive access lists
access-lists Show acl lists
acl-log-count Display the number of access list log
acl-object Show acl object
arp Command arp
bfd BFD Protocol information
bgp BGP information
bridge Bridge Forwarding/Filtering Database [verbose]
cam Command cam
card_list Show information of hardware modules