SideKar Extreme User Manual rev 2.1 Page 29 of 87
There are a few ways to transmit:
1. Simply use a straight key or paddle connected to the
rig. If using a paddle for the KX2/KX3, the SideKar
Extreme display will show what characters have been
sent. The
command toggles whether you see
transmitted characters or not. The keyer speed and all
other keyer functions will be determined by the rig.
2. Use the SideKar Extreme
’s WinKeyer to send CW.
Connect your paddle to the Paddle input on the right
side of the SideKar Extreme and connect the KeyOut to
your rig’s key input. Set the rig to have a straight key
input, and not a paddle input. The keyer functions
(speed, dit/dah orientation & mode) will now be
controlled by the SideKar Extreme.
3. Type on the keyboard. The SideKar Extreme will send
the character you typed to the rig. As you type, you will
key the rig, and the SideKar Extreme display will show
what characters have been sent. The
toggles whether you see transmitted characters or not.
Connect the KeyOut to your rig’s key input. Set the rig
to have a straight key input, and not a paddle input.
Reminder: With the KX3, for the SideKar Extreme to
display transmitted text by paddle or keyboard, the KX3
firmware must be at MCU version 2.19 or later. And the
rig’s Text Decode must be turned on.
Note: the Alt-E command has no effect if connected to a K3
or K3S. Transmitted characters are always displayed.
4. Send a message. You can send one of 20 pre-defined
(by you) messages by pressing F1 through F10 for the
first bank of 10 messages, and Alt-F1 though Alt-F10 for