IPC402x-UM-2209-1-2.x.x (en)
Ensto Protrol AB
Phone: +46 31 45 82 00
Alfagatan 3
internet: www.protrol.se
431 49 Mölndal, SWEDEN
e-mail: [email protected]
The COMTRADE converter is shown in Figure 16 beneath.
Figure 16.
COMTRADE converter.
Upload a stored TFR file from the test device or select a previously uploaded file.
Specify where to save a converted file. By default, it is saved in the same directory as the original
data. It is possible to change file names if desired. The tool recognizes the type of data separation,
eg loss or comma. Separation type can also be specified.
When the file is selected, the configuration file and data file are displayed to the right. Change any
input, scaling, labels, etc., if necessary.
Convert by clicking
Create COMTRADE files