8.B. Setting Incubation Parameters Followed by Plate Read
1. Activate the Heater option (Section 8.A).
2. Select and drag the “Measurement” icon from Protocol Options to the
Protocol Composer and define the measurement parameters.
Figure 16. Setting the Incubation Parameters followed by Plate Read.
3. Select and drag the “Incubation” icon from Protocol Options to the Protocol
Composer (Figure 16).
4. Touch the “Time” button to select the length of incubation.
5. Touch the “Temperature” button to set the desired assay temperature in
degrees Celsius (°C).
6. Touch the “Temperature Control” button to activate the Heater controls.
7. Touch the “Door” button to automatically open the instrument door.
8. Place the sample plate on the Microplate Sample Tray. Well A1 must be at
the top right corner.
9. Touch the “Door” button again to retract the sample plate back into the
10. Press the “Start” button.
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Part# TM311
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