The Speed Control [18] is used to select one of four recycling speed
25 %
The slow recycling speed is four times as long as the MAX re-
cycling speed. This alternative shall be selected when the generator
is connected to a mains power supply with weak fuses, when you are
uncertain as to how well the mains power supply is fused and when
weak gas generators are used for charging. It may allow tree or four
generators to be connected to the same wall outlet or fuse group.
50 %
The fast recycling speed is twice as long as the MAX recycling
speed. This setting may allow two generators to be connected to the
same wall outlet or fuse group.
75 %
The extra fast recycling speed is slightly longer than the ex-
tremely fast MAX recycling speed. It reduces load by 25 % and may
prevent sensitive types of fuses to blow. The recharge speed is anyhow
extremely fast compared to other fl ash generators.
The extreme and fastest recycling speed. Only one Pro-8a can
be connected to one wall outlet or fuse group.
It is recommended to use DIM or BEEP-DIM setting of the Ready Control [16]. It reduces mains power
amperage load during recharging and thereby stress of the fuse. Lack of light is always shorter than one
second and negligible if MAX recharge speed is set.
f more than one generator is connected to one fuse group it is always advisable to set recharging speed
corresponding to the fl ash energy used. Settings are optimized if the individual generators get a simul-
taneous ready signal. There is no advantage if one generator with a small fl ash energy setting is much
faster than a generator with a larger fl ash energy setting. By using individual generator speed settings
recharge speed can be greatly optimized by greatly by reducing the momentary load from generators
with small fl ash energy settings and thereby the sum of the momentary load. Some modern automatic
fuses can be very sensitive to momentary, short, high instant, peak load during the short recharge.
1) Notes to optimize recycling speed in relation to the fuse type and size available.