Fan Cooling & Protection System
The Pro-8a generator is equipped with a very effective fan cooling to
prevent over heating. A microprocessor controlling and supervising the
system is integrated for protection and safety. Dual fans will normally
operate in silent mode but will speed up automatically when working in
hot surroundings or continuously at higher power levels. Lower fl ash en-
ergy usage and normal room temperature will slow down the fan speeds
to be as silent as possible.
If there is risk for overheating of the generator, caused by abnormal ex-
ternal infl uence, the protective system will automatically protect the ge-
nerator from damage. The protective system will slow down the rechar-
ging intervals and eventually the recharging will stop completely. After
a while, when the temperature has decreased suffi ciently, the generator
will start recharging at a normal pace. This automatic protection will
only interfere under extreme conditions such as when the air vents are
The Pro-8a generator is designed to withstand up to 1000 full power
fl ashes during one hour. However it is not advisable to run harder than
necessary due to the lifetime of the fl ash tube.
The air vents of the generator must never be blocked or covered in any way.
Nor should the generator be operated in an enclosed small space. Never store
your fl ash equipment in a car on a hot and sunny day longer than 30 minutes.
Avoid storage of the generator close or below the freezing point for more than
30 minutes. A cold generator may not work properly or may even brake and will
lose capacity (fl ash output). There is also a risk of failure because of condensa-
tion when a cold generator is moved to a warmer surrounding. Remember that
the generator has a great temperature storing mass and will not adapt to the in-
door normal surrounding temperature until after 1–3 hours. Never use a Pro-8a
generator that has been stored in abnormal temperatures for more than 1 hour.
A well insulated case or transport box will prolong the time of storage in abnor-
mal temperature to 2 or 3 hours. Never operate the generator inside a case or
transport box due to lack of ventilation. Never expose any fl ash equipment to wet
or humid environments or extreme electro-magnetic fi elds.