• ½ PROP: The modeling light intensity is adjusted automatically in
proportion as for PROP when the energy level is changed, but with
half modeling light intensity of the designated energy. Half proportio-
nal modeling light is used when generators of different sizes are used
together; Pro-8a 1200 Air shall be set to ½ PROP and Pro-8a 2400
Air to PROP.
• MAX: The modeling lamp gets the maximal intensity, regardless of
the fl ash light energy settings.
• MAX PROP: Maximal proportional modeling light is used when
maximal light is needed on one channel (the one with highest energy
level). The highest set channel will get maximal intensity and the
other will correspond proportionally. Therefore the modeling light
may change on a channel which is not adjusted.
If Pro Studio2 is used to control the generators, a Smart Prop func-
tion is available. It is similar to the MAX PROP setting, but the inten-
sity proportions match all lamps and generators.
Sync signaling
The Pro-8a generator can be synchronized with the camera in different
ways; via cable, via Photocell / IR-slave or via the Profoto Air radio sys-
tem (LPA radio system available on special order). Both systems can not
be integrated in the same generator.