• The two Sync Connectors [2] allow the camera and a fl ash meter to
be connected simultaneously. The 5 meter sync cable can without res-
trictions be elongated with a sync extension cable. The bidirectional
optical isolated Profoto sync interconnection cable is recommended
to be used to prevent ground reference interference when connecting
sync cables between different generators.
• The Photocell/IR-slave [3] sense signals from most IR sync transmit-
ters as well as from other fl ash light as a Slave and synchronize the
• The Profoto Air remote radio control system is integrated in all
Pro-8a generators, meaning that the generators are prepared to be
synchronized or controlled either via Air Remote, Air Sync or via the
Profoto Studio 2 computer program and Air USB.
The Sync Control [5] is used to control the sync signaling:
• RADIO: The generator is set to sync via radio.
• SET: Enables setting of radio channel and group.
• OFF: The generator is set to sync via cable.
• SLAVE: The generator is set to sync via photocell / IR.
Ready signaling
Ready signaling is used to indicate when the generator is 100 % fully
charged. The Ready Control [16] is used to select one of four ready sig-
naling alternatives: