Bundled Software
PL-5700 Series User’s Manual
Coordinate code list setup
The coordinate code list determines which code is returned when the touch panel is
pressed in a specific area.
These coordinates specify the display coordinates.
Number (n) of registered coordinate codes
Dis play coordinate des ignation mode
Left s ide X coordinate of 1st area (X 1)
Top side X coordinate of 1st area (Y1)
R ight side X coordinate of 1st area (X 2)
B otto m side X coordinate of 1st area (Y2)
Coordinate code of 1st area (code)
Left s ide X coordinate of nth area (X 1)
Top side X coordinate of nth area (Y1)
R ight side X coordinate of nth area (X 2)
B otto m side X coordinate of nth area (Y2)
Coordinate code of nth area (code)
Coordinate code input (unrestricted wait)
Returns coordinates of the area/position touched and coordinate code. Waits until data is en-
AX =
AH =
0: Successfully completed
BH= Y coordinate range in PL-386 compatibility mode (0 - 26)
BL = X coordinate range in PL-386 compatibility mode (0 - 30)
CX= Number of valid data sets in touch panel input buffers
DX= Coordinate code
To use function 0400h, it is necessary to first register the coordinate codes.