Bundled Software
PL-5700 Series User’s Manual
(0,0) (1,1) (2,1)
6-2 Touch Panel Input File
PLATPH.EXE (Touch Panel Handler)
With an analog touch panel, input is recognized within a 1024 x 1024 pixel area, with
the lower left-hand corner as the coordinate origin point. However, most display pan-
els use the upper left-hand corner as the origin point and have a resolution of 640 x
480 pixels. Consequently, depending on the conditions of use, the touch panel posi-
tion and display position may not be the same. Here, the PLATPH.EXE application
solves this problem by converting input from the touch panel into the corresponding
display panel coordinates, allowing the use of application programs which use abso-
lute coordinate input or area input from a touch panel.
The relationship between touch panel coordinates and display coordinates is as fol-
Function area
Touch panel
Virtual coordinates
(0, -40)
(1024, 1024)
Display coordinates
Display coordinates
(0, 0)
Touch panel
Function area
Virtual coordinates
(0, 0)
(639, 519)
Relationship between touch panel coordinates and display coordinates when using
the PL-386 Series compatibility mode
To ensure compatibility with 16 x 14 (31 x 27 by double precision) touch panels used
on the Digital PL-386 family of Panel Computers, the TPH.EXE (PL-386 command)
function can be used as is.
The relationship between touch panel coordinates and display coordinates is as fol-
Touch panel coordinates in
PL-386 family compatibility mode
Input coordinate range
X = 0 ~ 30
Display area in
640 x 480 mode
Y = 0 ~ 26
: Touch panel effective area
The touch panel handler cannot be used in conjunction with the TT-WIN mouse
emulator on Windows
. Cancel the resident program before starting up Windows