4.2 Installation of the line modules inside the Master EV PROM5Z and Slave EV PROS8Z units
The Master unit has five vertical slots on the back to be fitted with EV MCL1Z and/or EV MCL2Z line controllers. It is essential that
the slots are filled, starting from the left, in the order shown on the figure below.
The figure also shows a valid and a not allowed configuration.
Filling of the zone slots
Allowed and valid setup
Not allowed setup
The Slave unit has eight vertical slots on the back to be fitted with EV MCL1Z and/or EV MCL2Z line controllers. It is essential that
the slots are filled, starting from the left, in the order shown on the figure below.
The figure also shows a valid and a not allowed configuration
Filling of the zone slots
Allowed and valid setup
Not allowed setup
In case you configure a system with a master and one or more slave units, it is not mandatory that the units have all slots loaded.
It is possible and allowed to partially load the master and continue the installation of other line modules inside the first slave, that
on its turn may not be entirely filled and thus additional modules may be fitted in the second slave, etc…
A unit (master or slave) may be even left empty! This gives the system a great configuration flexibility in terms of distribution of
the risk of a failure of a loudspeaker line or power amplifier. To best illustrate this feature, please refer to the following
application note where a 8 zones system setup is analyzed.