This section discusses the procedures that can be performed on the system through the commands entered on the EV PROM5Z master
All operations described herein are mainly about the diagnostics and the reporting of the state of the system. All information about the
configuration, design of the system setup and operating rules of the system are performed through the BEST software.
7.1 Authentication
To enter a deeper access level, a password is required. The password for each level is set in the
BEST software configuration.
To change the access level, enter the AUTHENTICATION menu, then enter the password with
LEFT/RIGHT keys to select the digit and the UP/DOWN keys to change the digit.
Finally, press OK.
If the password was set correctly, the system will enter the new access level, as indicated with
the number inside the key symbol. If the password is wrong, the system will get back to a lower
access level.
After two minutes of inactivity in access levels 2 and 3, the system will return to access level 1.
Operations available at access level 2:
Loudspeaker lines calibration
Restoring zone functions on the main power amplifier
System logs canelling
System date and time change.
Operations available at access level 3:
All operations available at access level 2
System configuration download through the USB port
7.2 Silencing a zone
In case of an alarm message, Silencing or unsilencing of a zone is done at access level 1.
To silence or unsilence a zone, enter the ZONE ACTIVITY menu, select the desired zone
with the UP/DOWN keys, press OK to enter the sub-menu. Then, select:
“Set silence zone” to silence the zone
“Remove silence” to unsilence the zone
The system will execute command in two different ways:
In case of a recorded message, the system will play it until its end and will not repeat
it. If silencing is removed, the system will start playing the message from the beginning.
Il the message is spoken live through a call station set for evacuation purposes, the
system will silence the zone instantly.
7.3 Line calibration
Line calibration is performed at access levels 2 or 3. Enter the LINE STATUS menu,
then press OK. The system will show a list with all loudspeaker lines that are present
in the setup. Select the desired zone with the UP/DOWN keys, then press OK. Press OK once more
to access the sub-menu, then select CALIBRATE LINE and confirm with the OK key.
The system will now perform the line calibration; a 1Khz tone is feeded to the loudspeaker line.
The line calibration automatic procedure will set the line module output volume so that
the voltage that the power amplifier feeds to the line is 100V nominal. This operation has
the purpose to set the 0dB reference (full power) and verify that the amplifier is able to
effectively drive the loudspeaker line and to measure the line parameters (impedance and power)
as the reference for the continuous monitoring.
As mentioned above, the system will set full output power as the 0dB reference. All volume
controls within the Proevac are expressed in dBs and are intended an attenuation in comparison to
the 0dB reference.
The volume control of the amplifier is done in discrete steps; the system will set the
amplifier volume on the step that its output will fall in a /- 10% wide window
that is centered on 100Vac.
In case the system reports CALIBRATION FAIL indication after the execution of the procedure, try
to slightly increase or decrease the amplifier volume through its potentiometer and perform
calibration again. This will help the system to find a volume step that will likely fall into the
acceptance window.
If the problem persists, it is advisable to check the loudspeaker line and its wiring.
WARING! At the first power up after configuration download, all lines need to be
calibrated individually.
7.4 Restoring primary