4.4 Spare amplifier wiring on EV PROM5Z master and EV PROS8Z slave unit.
If a spare amplifier is used, it shall be connected to the plug on the back-panel labelled “Spare Amplifier Input/Output”. Please
refer to section 3.1 and section 3.2 for proper identification. The connection scheme in the figure below is the same for both
master and slave unit. The plugs labelled “HOT-GND-COLD” are the outputs to the amplifier. The plugs labelled “0V-100V” refer to
the power amplifier output. The output of the amplifier is connected back to the unit that routes it to the loudspeakers.
Spare amplifier wring diagram
The system is compatible with power amplifiers having a floating 100V loudspeaker output; i.e. the output is not
referred to the input ground. The amplifier input shall be balanced (differential). The system can handle up to 500W
In order to grant the constancy of the system’s performance, the spare amplifier should have the same power rating as
the amplifier connected to the zone controllers.
The installation of the spare amplifier is not mandatory. Its presence depends on the design of the voice alarm system
setup. The presence of the spare amlpifier and its monitoring is managed through the BEST configuration software
4.5 Wiring the EV MCL1Z line modules.
The EV MCL1Z manages all line functions, it routes the audio programs and messages, performs the monitoring of the loudspeakers
lines and power amplifier. Additionally, its onboard player, feeds the line with dedicated alarm messages.
The activations of the alarm messages is performed through the dedicated monitored contacts. The enablement and assignment of
such messages is performed through the BEST configuration software.
The figure here below shows the wiring of the line module to the power amplifier, loudspeaker line and message triggers.
The “HOT-GND-COLD” are the balanced outputs to the power amplifier. This output is transformer coupled and is isolated from the
main system ground.
The “0V-100V” plugs in the “Amplifier Input/Output” section refer to the output of the power amplifier that will feed the
speakers. This is connected back to the line module for power routing and monitoring.
The plugs labelled “0V-100V” in the “Line Output” section refer to the connection to the loudspeaker line inside the facility.
“MSG-1” and “MSG-2” plugs are the recorded alarm message triggers. Both refer to the “Common” plug. These inputs implement a
continuous monitoring against cable short and cable cut. This function is achieved through the two 2.2Kohm resistors that should
be connected as shown in the figure. The switch symbol refers to the contact inside the fire alarm unit that triggers the message.
Wiring scheme of the EV MCL1Z line module