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Page 124
Picture 2. Ikusnet2 BP Video codec in its backpack. .......................................... 9
Picture 3. Ikusnet2 BP – Ikusnet2 ST Decoder connection diagram. ................. 10
Picture 5. Ikusnet2 ST Decoder front panel. ................................................... 12
Picture 7. Real time Ethernet transmission. .................................................... 13
Picture 8. Real Time 3G/4G Transmission over 8 3G/4G links. .......................... 14
Picture 15. Ikusnet2 Main Window. 3 main areas ............................................ 20
Picture 16. Video input on the side panel of Ikusnet2 BP ................................. 21
Picture 18. Ikusnet2 BP Wireless Communications Module. ............................. 24
Picture 25. Program and TalkBack connection bars with NET=Ethernet. ........... 32
Picture 26. Program and TalkBack connection bars with NET=3G/4G. .............. 32
Picture 29. Phone book Dial Window. ............................................................. 35
Picture 30. Program and TalkBack connection bars when NET=Ethernet. ......... 35
Picture 31. Program and TalkBack connection bars when NET=3G/4G. ............ 36