Prodys S.L. Tel: +34 91 6896880
Fax: +34 91 6943777
Page 34
Picture 28. Call type Window.
The Call type option allows establishing four types of communication:
Two way symmetrical (same profile for both ways)
Two way asymmetrical (different profile for both ways)
Transmission (Tx One Way)
Reception (Rx One Way)
The connection Profiles can be configured by the user and they define, among
other configurations, the buffer (i.e. the delay) at the receiving end. The longer
the buffer the more protection against packet losses and jitter but the longer the
delay. The shorter the buffer, the less protection but the shorter the delay. The
key point in being able to adjust this parameter from the calling end is that most
likely the user who really knows what the capacity for the current IP link being
used for streaming is will be the user that is establishing the call. If no profiles
are selected (“None” button), the buffer at the receiver end will keep its current
Prodys always recommends starting tests with different profiles before doing a
live contribution when the capacity of the network is unknown or can vary
depending on non managed external factors like the number of people sharing
the same IP data connections at the same time.
The destination address can be dialed manually pressing the “keyboard” box or
can be chosen from the phone book, from the recently dialed addresses or from