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Page 70
Picture 67. Streaming Rx Settings Menu
The maximum buffer size is 20 seconds. The minimum buffer size is 1 second.
The user has to take into consideration that this size includes the
codification/decodification delay, that is why the minimum possible configuration
is 1 second.
As the value defined by the user includes the encoding/decoding delay, this
would be the total delay for the communication if the network had zero delay.
The user should bear in mind that the longer the buffer, the longer the delay,
but the more protection against jitter and the more robust the communication.
The buffer can be configured to work with a fixed size (Manual buffer
adjustment) or variable (Automatic buffer adjustment). In this last case, the
upper and lower limits of the buffer can be selected.
It is important to remark that this configuration are only taken into
consideration when the received call does not include any buffer
definition in its call profile.
Streaming TX parameters
This menu allows the user to configure some advanced functions related to the
streaming transmission.