Optional Fuel Tank – If you selected the fuel tank upgrade, the fuel capacity of your boat was increased to 425
gallons. When this option is selected, the configuration of the larger fuel tank extends into a large portion of the
storage compartment located below the helm and lounge seats. However, an additional small storage box is
installed at the base of the bait station.
The fuel sender, fuel pick-ups and hoses to the fuel tank are allocated below the hinged step that is installed
between the helm and lounge seats. To access the fuel sender and fuel pick-ups, just remove the 2 long screws
that secure the step and rotate the step forward.
DO NOT store any equipment in the Fuel Tank compartment under any circumstances
You should inspect the hose connections on a regular basis. For access the fuel fill and fuel vent hoses:
For access to the hose connections at the fuel tank, remove the 2 long bolts on step opening
located between the lounge and helm seats.
For access to the hose connections at the stainless steel fuel fill and fuel vent fittings, go to the
mid berth and open one of the 2 large hatches on the starboard cabin wall.
Fuel Fill and Vent
The fuel fill is a stainless steel fitting labeled gas or fuel and is located
approximately amidships on the starboard gunwale. Twist the cap to open the
fitting. The cap is connected to the fitting by a chain or cable so that it will not fall
into the water and/or get lost. Be careful not to pump fuel into any other fitting on
the vessel.
The external fuel vent is located just below the fuel fill on the outside of the hull, and
the gas tank is vented overboard. While you are filling the tank, fuel entering the
tank pushes air in the tank out through the fuel vent.
Note: Never pump fuel into any fitting, opening or access on the boat unless it is labeled “Gas” or
Fuel Sender and Fuel Pick Ups
The fuel sender is equipped with a float that moves up and down with the fuel level in the tank. The fuel level
information is sent to the fuel gauge and keeps you informed of the approximate fuel level in the tank. If you feel
that your fuel gauge is reading incorrectly, before considering changing the gauge, have your Pro-Line dealer’s
Service Department or another qualified service professional remove the fuel sender and check to make sure that
the float is able to move up and down freely.
Fuel Pick