4 Controls
Solo Bus
StudioLive™ 32.4.2AI
Owner’s Manual
2. By default, your StudioLive mixer is set to Latch Solo mode.
For the purposes of this tutorial, this is the setting you will
need to use.
See Section 4.9.2
for more information about
solo modes.
3. Next, press the Solo buttons on the channels, auxes, and subgroups you want to
4. Turn the Solo Level knob in the Solo section to about 12 o’clock.
5. Finally, select the Solo button in your monitor bus and dial in a comfortable
listening volume for your headphones or monitors. You can increase the overall
volume of the Solo bus using the Solo Level knob in the Solo section.
Power User Tip:
This feature can also be used to listen to a monitor mix that is
routed to an aux send. Let’s say a vocalist on stage complains that there is too
much bass in his monitor but you are confident that no bass is being sent to that
particular aux send. You could be mistaken but most likely an open microphone on
stage is picking up the bass signal. To determine the cause, solo only the aux send in
question and, again, select the Solo button for the monitors/headphones. You can
now listen to exactly the same mix as your troubled vocalist and can fix his monitor
mix quickly. This application is also useful in heading off a feedback problem.
Using Solo in Place (SIP) to Set Up a Mix
We started this manual with a quick and easy way to set up the input levels
for your StudioLive, ensuring that you have the highest possible input
level without clipping your analog-to-digital converters. The next step is
to set up your mix by dialing in the dynamics, EQ, and fader settings for
each channel. Enter Solo In Place (SIP). As previously mentioned, Solo In
Place is a great way to dial in your mix without disturbing your musicians’
last minute rehearsal or subjecting your audience to that impromptu jam
session on stage. Radio Solo mode is especially useful for this purpose.
1. Radio Solo mode is especially useful for this purpose because
it allows you to quickly solo just one channel at a time. To
begin, press the System button and change Solo mode to