MT4000-2 MT10000-4
Pag. 10
3.1. Installation example with electric lock
A typical door-control installation with electric lock is made up as follows:
1 in reader.
1 out door-opening push-button.
1 door-opening electric lock.
Connect in reader 1 to terminals D0.1, D1.1, GND, and +9V of the control unit.
Connect the electric lock to the terminal NO1 and through the power supply unit to the COM1.
Connect the manual door opening button between terminals IN1 and +9V of the control unit.
Using SWAMIGO software:
Duly configure reader 1 for relay 1 tripping
Duly configure the IN1 input for relay 1 tripping
Set relay 1 tripping and delay times to 1 and 0 seconds, respectively
Programme a badge for default access enable (5 Control Unit programming and testing, pag. 16).
Electric lock is activated for 1 second following valid read or pushing of manual opening out button.
Note 1: Power electric lock and control unit with separate power supply units.
Note 2: the figure shows the wiring with the MT4000-2 control unit terminal board but can easily be
applied to an installation with the MT10000-4 control unit.