User Manual
ScanLog 96 Pen Drive Version
Figure 3.1
File System for Write Operation
ScanLog continuously monitors and measures the process values for all channels and compares these values with the user
set Alarm limits to generate Alarm Status.
A set of Process Values along with the corresponding Alarm Status for all channels, stamped with the current Date and Time, is
called a
. ScanLog stores such records in its internal memory at user set time interval, called
Recording Interval
. These
stored records are then available for downloading to a Pen Drive via the front panel USB connector.
Each of the installed ScanLog creates and maintains its own Record-Data file on Pen Drive using either user defined File
Name or a file naming scheme that involves a unique
5 Digit Code
which is factory set. This
5 Digit Code
can be viewed using
the Read-only parameter “UNIQUE ID NUMBER” on the page “RTC Settings”. This Read parameter value is actually an 8 digit
number of which last 5 digits are used for file naming. Under this file naming scheme the file is named
; where
nnnnn is the unique
5 Digit Code
just described above. For example; if the “UNIQUE ID NUMBER” is 15030006 then the file is
. The records are downloaded to the file on Pen Drive in
Comma Separated Values (CSV)
format and
thus the file is assigned the extension “
”. Note that once the user supplies his own File Name the ScanLog does not use
the file naming scheme stated above. That is either the user defined File Name or the file name created using unique
5 Digit
is stored inside ScanLog’s memory. The stored File Name can be viewed using Enter Key (Refer Section 2 : Basic
Upon selecting the ‘Copy (New)’ or ‘Re-copy (Old)’ operation (explained later) after insertion of the Pen Drive; the ScanLog
first searches for any existing file that matches with the file name stored in its memory.
Case 1 : File exists
If the File with the name stored in ScanLog’s memory exists on the pen drive, the ScanLog first reads the
File Header
comprises the Instrument Name & the 8 digit UNIQUE ID NUMBER (Refer Figure 3.2). If the 8 digit UNIQUE ID NUMBER
matches then the ScanLog appends the available stored records to the file, else the message shown in the figure is displayed :
User Defined
Instrument Name
User Defined
File Name
User Defined
Channel Names
Could not Append
Device Differs