GSM Report Options: "gr"= 0 0 0 0 0 0
01=SMS Alarm, 02=Call, 04=Armed Report, 08=Armed Enable, 16=SMS Trbl. Summary
GSM Mode Options: "gm"= 1
+1=with GPRS,+2=MFCS,+4=UDP(SIII),+8=UDP(Software),+10Hex=report on/off,
+40Hex=Encr80Hex=+SMS, Summary
Factory Default: "fd"
Read RAM Data: "rd"
To Main Menu: "mm"
GSM Report Options
- these are options about how to announce by GsM
for the occurred events:
SMS Alarm
- allows to send sMs at alarm from zones; in restoring sMs is not
SMS Trbl.
- allows to send sMs at failure and recovery (ac power and battery
- call allowed at alarm from zones; in restoring a call is not sent;
Armed Enable
- allows the inclusion and exclusion the station from the rel-
evant GsM number, and after arming answers to the originating the inclusion number
with two rings, and after exclusion - with one ring;
Armed Report
- allows the call to the relevant GsM number at arming and
5. the procedure to call is very cumbersome, it takes more than 30 seconds.
Better is the announcement by GsM for arisen events to be done via sMs.
GSM Mode Options
- these are the options for the operating mode of
GsM: if GPrs mode is active, sMs and a call about events are not sent.
Report On / Off to # 1
indicates that after power on to be sent a call to the
first entered number.
GSM Report Options
Alarm Codes Mode
are programmed as hexa-
decimal, and are displayed as decimal numbers.
9. for
Limit Request Number
is assigned the number of the relevant opera-
tor, on which you can automatically check the time of validity of the siM card and the
remaining monetary limit. this option can only be used for prepaid cards. for exam-
ple for Mtel enter
and for Vivacom -
. Globul currently has no automatic
30. at programming a GsM number, after its end add
in the empty positions
to the end.
3. if the GsM number will not be used, to be programmed
for all 6 bytes,
or write 0 in GsM Mode options for the relevant number.
3. the GsM numbers may be entered in the following formats:
77 3 456,
359 8
77 3 456 or
00 359 8
77 3 456.