the validity of the siM card and the remaining amount are valid only for pre-
paid cards (Prima, B-connect and others, which have number for automatic check).
Upon receiving a call from any unprogrammed in the memory GsM number
interrupts it.
ring and sMs are sent only upon activation of zones. at recovery is not sent
. if after arming the module in security mode there is remained active sensor
(damaged or activated), an alarm is activated depending on the programmed param-
eters. if the zone of the damaged sensor is 4-hour, the alarm is activated immedi-
ately after power-up.
Possibility of "Gong" by the siren of each of the zones with adjustable dura-
ability to check the status of the module via sMs: will be sent sMs containing
”, as "homeal" is the password for programming.
the module sends an sMs to the specified number:
system arMed, zones: a n n a n n, ac Power on
system disarmed, zones: n a n n n n, ac Power off
wherein "a" means „active” - „active zone", the zone is activated and „n” means „not
active” - the zone is not activated
led indication: 5 green leds "", "", "4", "8" and "6" about the level of GsM
radio signal:
- 5 digit binary led indication on the board about the level of GsM radio signal
(csQ): add together glowing leds only, respectively with coefficients , , 4, 8 and
- on these leds can be determined problems with the turning on the GsM
- led „” is flashing - the microcontroller communicates with the GsM module;
- led „4” is flashing - the microcontroller checks the Pin code on the siM
card; if the siM card is not recognized, start flashing all 5 leds; if the siM card is not
unlocked, for about 5 seconds flash simultaneously leds "", "" and "4", then the
module restarts;
- led „8” is flashing - the microcontroller verifies for unerased sMs in the siM
- led „6” is flashing - the GsM module registers in the GsM network.