Installation and operating manual
Page 58 of 95
(PVI-3.8/4.6-I-OUTD Rev.: 1.5)
If the measures performed previously, in chapter .5.5.1, are found to give a positive
result then the system will continue with other checks. The following screens repeat
cyclically as described in the paragraph “GENERAL QUESTIONS REGARDING
Type and p/n of the inverter
Indicates the serial number of the inverter and the firmware revision level
E-da : Daily quantity of energy produced.
$-da: Daily energy savings. The value is expressed in the set currency.
E-tot : Total energy produced since first installation
Partial energy produced during the period selected by us
P-out : measured instant output power value
In the second line of the display, only the higher of the two temperatures is shown:
T-boost1: booster channel 1 switching device temperature
T-boost2: booster channel 2 switching device temperature
Ppk: maximum peak power value achieved since the "partial" function was activated.
Ppk-Day: indicates the maximum peak power value achieved during the day. The
meter is reset when the unit is shut down.
FW rel. C.0.1.1
E-da 0 Wh
$-da 0.0 EUR
E-tot -------------
E-par 0 KWh EUR
P-out 0 W
T-boost1 - °C
Ppk W
Ppk-Day ………...W