Installation and operating manual
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(PVI-3.8/4.6-I-OUTD Rev.: 1.5)
1) Night-time mode
AURORA is in its night-time shut-down phase; this happens
when the input power is too low to feed the inverter.
2) AURORA initialization and grid check
The machine is in its initialization phase. Input power is sufficient
to feed the inverter. AURORA is checking that the conditions
necessary for start-up have been satisfied (for example, input
voltage value, isolation resistance value, etc.), and starts the grid
3) AURORA is feeding the grid
After having completed the series of autotests, the machine
connects itself to the grid.
As previously mentioned, AURORA will automatically perform a
search and analysis of the maximum power point (MPPT) of the
photovoltaic field.
4) Ground isolation fault
AURORA indicates that the isolation resistance value is too low.
The problem may be linked to an isolation fault in the connection
between the photovoltaic field inputs and the ground.
WARNING: it is extremely dangerous to attempt to correct the
fault yourself. The instructions below must be followed very
carefully. Please contact a specialist if you do not possess the
experience or qualifications necessary to work safely on the
What to do after an isolation fault has been detected
When the red LED turns on, try to reset the fault indication by
using the multifunctional ESC button at the side of the LCD
display. If AURORA reconnects to the grid normally, the fault
was due to temporary circumstances (for example, infiltration of
humidity onto the panels due to condensation).It is
recommended to allow a specialized technician to inspect the
machine if the fault continues to occur.
If AURORA does not reconnected to the grid, it is necessary to
put AURORA into a safe condition by isolating it on both the
DC and AC sides and contacting an authorized centre in order to
have the fault repaired.