○ printed bits
○ wiring
○ fans
It does not cover:
● Obsolescence
● Mistreatment
● Consumables or wear items. (e.g. bed tape, nozzles.)
● Shipping the entire printer
● Cosmetics
● Damage
● on-site labor
After the Warranty Expires
We will generally allow renewal of the Warranty. This will maintain coverage of the
abovementioned items, and also the Telephone support privilege that goes along with it.
Continuous Improvement vs New Models and Versions
We intend that the PolyPrinter will be continually evolving. We intend to keep improving it in
minor and major ways for a long time. Each PolyPrinter represents the “state of the art” at the
time it was manufactured. The existence of newer PolyPrinters with improvements does not by
itself imply that your PolyPrinter has a defect that must be covered by the warranty. The
warranty only covers things that were not manufactured correctly or could not fulfil their intended
function to the degree they were specified to at the time.
That being said, however, this does not preclude us from offering customers the ability to
self-upgrade their machines by printing replacement parts or purchasing updated replacement
parts to keep their machines up to date. We will be happy to assist in this process with
information and advice so that all our customers can have the best practical machines.
We intend to also have generational changes that may represent a new starting point, such that
improvement will no longer be made to a given model. That is a normal part of a product
development cycle. We therefore cannot predict for how long we will improve a particular
generation in a manner that is compatible with existing PolyPrinters.