side to reduce the chance of such an injury. Parts will tend to almost instantaneously go
from being very stuck to completely free.
Always clean the bed off completely
Make sure you clean all the plastic off the bed before starting any print. Check the home
corner too. But don’t use your hands or fingers, - you could burn yourself, as well as get
oils on the bed - and then the plastic will not stick there.
You can often use the part you just took off (if it’s not too hot to hold) to scrape off the
outer ring of plastic that was laid down around it (the “skirt”).
Common Tasks
Changing The Filament
Heat the head to at least 230 C.
Push down on the left side of the extruder lever to release the pressure on the filament. Pull up
on the filament. The very tip of the removed filament can burn you - watch out.
If it does not want to come out, and you have only just heated the head up, wait a minute or so
for the heat to fully warm the filament. You may set the head temperature to 260 C if necessary,
for a very stubborn one.
Once you have the filament out of the extruder, hold onto it and remove the spool with your
other hand, and insert the free end into one of the holes in the rim of the spool, if there are any.
(And if there are not, make at least one.) This will ensure that the filament doesn’t become
looped under itself or fall loose.
Inserting the new filament is done as described above, in
Installing the Filament
Connection Problems
Check the Port
Open Device Manager, and look at the “Ports (COM & LPT)”. It should list “USB Serial...
COMxx). Make sure Pronterface has that port selected. You may need to press the Port button
on Pronterface, or restart Pronterface to get the correct port number to appear.