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© Copyright 2006, Oregon State University Extension Service
Objectives of This Document
Using this document, a user should be able to accomplish the following:
Setup a PolyCom VSX 5000 video conference device
Properly initiate and complete a video conference using a PolyCom
VSX 5000 video conference device
Troubleshoot basic problems with the PolyCom VSX 5000 video
conference device
Contact the appropriate persons for help solving serious problems
with the PolyCom VSX 5000 video conference device
How to read this document:
This document is broken into several parts. Each part is labeled and can
be found by its title or its page number on the table of contents. This
document can either be read straight through as a teaching tool or as
needed as a reference tool.
Icons are used through this document to highlight important concepts or
to warn the reader about a potentially problematic situation. The
following icons are used:
Tips provide additional information that may not be obvious from
reading a product manual.
Warnings are there in case there is a risk of making a mistake that
would harm a product.
References provide links to additional information, either in books or
on the Internet, about a product.