In case of transportation by the sea transport the indicators in the packed form must be placed to a
polyethylene housing with the silica gel drier.
During transportation by air the indicators in the packed form must be located in sealed sections.
The manufacturer hereby guarantees compliance of the indicator with the requirements of
Specifications and operation, transportation and storage rules set up in the present Operation Manual.
The warranty operation period is equal to 18 months since the date of putting the indicator into
operation within the warranty storage period.
The warranty storage period is equal to 6 months since the date of acceptance of the indicator by the
manufacturer’s Quality Control Department representative.
The warranty and post-warranty repair is to be performed by the manufacturer or organization having
the manufacturer’s permit.
The warranty does not concern the indicators:
- at expiry of the warranty operation term if the indicator is purchased within the limits of the
warranty storage period;
- in case of the non-warranty maintenance (if traces of indicator opening are visible);
- in case of mechanical damages and non-observance of operation and storage rules;
- in case of submitting the indicator for the warranty service without the operation manual.
The warranty operation period is to be prolonged for a period of the warranty repair.
The warranty obligations do not refer the supply cells. Replacement of the supply cell is not
considered the warranty repair.
The personal radiation detector
manufacturer’s No. __________________________________,
has been mane and accepted in compliance with the requirements of the state standards, the existing
technical documentation and found fit for operation.
Chief of Quality Control Department
Stamp of the QCD
______________ ___________________
Signature, deciphering of the signature
"______" __________________ .