- being so, “Vibr-oFF” or “Vibr-on” message will appear on the LCD. The abbreviated note "Vibr" –
indicates the vibrating indication, notes "oFF" (“on”) – the off (on) state of the vibrating indication. Setting
of and removal from this mode is performed by actions similar to the aforesaid ones.
In this mode the user may set up the required sound indication level.
For changing the sound indication level one should switch on the setting mode, for what the MODE
button should be pressed and retained for more than 5 s. “CAL” note will appear on the LCD, and then the
device will enter the mode of n-factor settings. By a short pressing the “MODE” push button the mode of n-
factor setting and the mode of setting the indication type (if switched on) are to be “looked through”.
- If the sound indication is switched on in the device, then at entering the mode of sound volume
setting “Aud” note will be indicated on the LCD, as well as the preset sound indicator value from 1 to 5. For
changing the sound volume a LIGHT push button should be shortly pressed. Being so, the indicated volume
value must blink. The subsequent pressing of the LIGHT push button reduces the blinking value by a unit,
and pressing the MODE push button increases it.
Change of the value is accompanied with a sound signal in compliance with the sound volume.
- If the sound indication is off in the device, then at entrance to the setting mode of the sound volume
“Vibr” note will be shown at the LCD of the sound indicator. Then a LIGHT push button should shortly be
pressed, and Aud note will be shown on the LCD as well as the blinking value of sound indicator from 1 to
5. The subsequent pressing of the LIGHT push button reduces the blinking value by a unit, and pressing the
MODE push button increases it.
Change of the value is accompanied with a sound signal in compliance with the sound volume.