E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.tamson.com
van 't Hoffstraat 12
2665 JL Bleiswijk, THE NETHERLANDS
T. 31 (0) 10 522 43 73
ttu-tb-tlb-tlc.docx Rev. 1.04 UK 0720
Tamson Instruments B.V.
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Bank account no.:
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Chamber of commerce 27 16 95 41
ISO 9001 : 2015
NL/PRO 238239125
The bath-fluid level must be 10- tot 20 mm below the
edge of the top-plate.
In al cases
the heating element must be kept fully
submersed during use
. A low fluid level will cause
severe damage to the heating element and also
cause fire
when flamable bath fluid is used.
For working temperatures above +80°C a fluid with a high
boiling point must be used. The bath fluid also has to be
chemically stable and must have low viscosity preventing
damage to the pump. Tamson oil type 150 has these
characteristics and is recommended to use for
temperature ranges which lie between +80°C and
Silicon oil type 200-10 can be used for temperatures
b20°C en 150°C. This oil also can be used at
higher temperatures but has disadvantages like shorter
lifetime due to coloring and gel-forming.
10 - 20 mm
Max. 60 mm