Copyrights and License Ownership
The license for the PMDG MD-11 is granted only to the legal purchaser of
the PMDG MD-11. Please review the license agreement carefully, as it
provides you with only limited rights. Specifically, you may not sell,
resell, trade or barter this software product/license without the permission
of PMDG.
You should also be aware that you may not use this simulation software
for any training, pilot familiarization, recurrent training or operational
awareness training. This simulation may or may not accurately represent
the actual operation of many different aircraft systems and no warranty is
made to accuracy or correctness.
This simulation may not be used in any public display for which users are
charged admission, usage fees or other revenue generating charges. Nor
may the simulation be used in any manner which reflects poorly on
PMDG, the PMDG development team, Boeing, Boeing’s suppliers,
customers or employees.
PMDG MD-11 Manuals
PMDG has provided a Quick Reference Handbook, Flight Crew
Operating Manual, Systems Manual and a Flight Management System
Guide in the form of PDF’s with this product. These manuals are derived
from the manuals provided to flight crews operating the MD-11, and have
been modified to suit the needs of the simulation. In some cases we
have removed information that does not apply to the simulation, and in
other cases we have left information that doesn’t directly apply to the
simulation in order to provide completeness of information on operating
procedures and environment.
This INTRODUCTION will give you most everything that you need to
know in order to operate the computer software effectively from an
interface and options standpoint.
You MUST read the FCOM, SYSTEMS, FMS and QRH manuals in order
how to operate the airplane that is simulated in the software!