Enter the desired key command into the CMD: window. If the key
combination is already in use, you will be shown a warning window which
will allow you to accept the selected combination, or try again to find
another unused combination.
When a valid, unused combination is selected, it will be entered into the
key commands window as shown here:
Mouse Interface Operations
The PMDG MD-11 uses a significantly different mouse interface than
previous products. The following section will help you to learn and use
the mouse controls in both the 2D and Virtual Cockpit environments.
The main user interface with the panel is through mouse click spots
over which several operations are allowed. These operations include
pressing or holding down the left or right mouse buttons and turning the
mouse wheel, for example. to perform different tasks such as pressing
buttons, pulling knobs, moving levers, turning switches and dials,
opening and closing panel window components etc.
The PMDG MD11 utilizes a set of different cursor shapes that are
visible in both the 2D and Virtual Cockpit in order to assist the user to:
Easily locate the regions where mouse operations are applicable.
Instantly identify what kinds of mouse operations are applicable for
each click spot.
Identify what each mouse operation can be expected to do.
Operating Pushbuttons, Knobs, Switches and Dials:
Pushing, pulling or turning a knob is accomplished by using the left and
right mouse buttons, or the mouse wheel depending on the shape of the
cursor displayed.