The MCDU on the PMDG MD-11 operates significantly differently. Here
are a few items to keep you from making mistakes:
1) After entering your origin/destination, if you are building the flight
plan by hand it is generally recommended to work from your
destination forward.
2) To add a fix, you can up-select directly into the flight plan as you
would on a Boeing airplane, but this will introduce disconnects that
you must then delete from the flight plan. The other way to add a
fix to the flight plan is to press the LSK for the last fix you will fly
over before the fix you want to add. This will show you the lateral
revision page. You can then up-select to the “NEXT WPT” entry
and press *INSERT.
3) If you need to adjust the altitude to cross any specific fix, simply
up-select the new altitude or speed restraint to that fix in the FLT-
PLN display. The proper format, like on a Boeing airplane is
SPEED/ALT. If you are up-selecting only a speed, use SPEED/
or if you are up-selecting only an altitude use /ALT.
4) If you need to change destination, or change routing, start by
pressing the LSK adjacent to the last fix you will fly over before
entering the part of the route that you want to change. Make your
changes from that point by entering fixes or routes into the LAT
REV (Lateral Revision) page.
5) If you need to add a STAR, do so from the last fix along your route
that you will fly over before commencing the STAR.
select your destination and enter the STAR as a LAT REV from
your destination, as doing so will cause you to overfly your
destination, then loop back to commence the STAR! If you every
look at your FLT PLN and notice your destination is ahead of the
STAR, the you have done this incorrectly!
6) If you want to adjust your final cruise altitude, or set step-climbs,
make the entries on the INIT page, down near the bottom. Enter
the altitudes in the series that you want them. 250/270/310/350
for example.
7) On the topic of cruise altitudes, make sure that the airplane
reaches cruise altitude, or your descent predictions will be invalid.
If you wind up not reaching your cruise altitude, the airplane will
never enter cruise mode. To avoid staying in climb mode, go to
the INIT page and set the cruise altitude to match your current
altitude or your new cruise altitude expectation. This will allow the
airplane to enter cruise flight mode.
8) When you initialize the takeoff configuration in the TO/APPR
page, you will need to confirm your takeoff speeds. The airplane
will give you landing speeds based upon the final flap setting you
choose prior to landing. The airplane assumes Flaps