Warranty Terms
1. If a fault is detected during the Warranty Period,
the Product shall be exchanged with the retailer
that sold the Product.
2. Warranty replacement shall be carried out if the
warranty cket is filled in and subject to the
opera ng rules described in the instruc on
3. Product warranty does not apply in the
following cases: - mechanical damages; - failure of
the ar cle due to ingress of foreign objects and
liquids, insects, etc.;
- use of the ar cle in condi ons and modes other
than domes c.
4. The warranty does not apply to accessories and
components. 5. The warranty also loses force if
during the warranty period the repair of the faulty
product was carried out by non-authorized
6. The warranty period is 1 year.
7. The service life is 3 years.
The date of manufacture is indicated on the
Manufacturer: Zhejiang Simon Industry&Trade
Address: №138, Huangyuan Village, Huajie Town,
Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province, China
Importer/Authorized Organiza on: LLC “PALLADA”
111675 Moscow, Rudnevka Street, House 4, P IV K
1.2 OF 1 RM 2/5, Russia
Customer Service:
+7 (495) 137-80-32
Product is cer fied
Warranty card
Date of sale
Selling company informa on:_______________
Product received, claims against configura on
and appearance I do not mean, I agree with the
terms of the guarantee. F.I.O. and buyer's
Opened the package, checked it and sold it. F.I.O.
of the seller: