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Navod obsl OR 50(F)_2006-08-01_EN.doc
Pilous pásové pily spol.s r.o.
Vranovská 5
614 00 BRNO
All rights, particularly the right to make copies of, to distribute and translate this
instruction manual, are reserved.
No part of this instruction manual may in any form (printing, microfilm or others) be
reproduced or stored, processed, copied or distributed by using electronic systems
without permission of PILOUS.
Letter of Guarantee – Service
The Letter of Guarantee is a separate annex to the instruction manual.
Guarantee period – see Letter of Guarantee
Conditions for Maintenance of Claims under Guarantee
Use and attendance of the machine in conformity with the instruction manual.
Connection of the machine to voltage corresponding to that mentioned in the instruction
The guarantee does not apply to:
Violent and mechanical damage of the machine caused by interference of the user or
other persons.
Unavoidable event (natural disaster)
Damage of machine during transport
Storage or installation of machine in humid, chemical or any other unsuitable environment
Any claims concerning guarantee and after-guarantee repairs should be sent by fax,
post or phone to the address: refer to the Letter of Guarantee.
Instruction for the User:
The Seller is obliged to hand over to the User the Letter of Guarantee immediately when
the product is being purchased. The Letter of Guarantee must be carefully and legibly
completed and provided with the Seller’s stamp, signature and data of sale.
The Seller is obliged to inform the Buyer about the use and handling the product.
Data Necessary for Claiming Guarantee (After-Guarantee) Repair
Machine type
Number of Letter of Guarantee (identical with serial number)
Date of issue of Letter of Guarantee