Flight in Icing Conditions - Takeoff Performance
The flaps must be set to 15° for takeoff. The use of flaps 30° for takeoff is prohibited.
When de-icing / anti-icing fluids are applied to the aircraft before departure, and/or when the
stick pusher is in ICE mode: The takeoff reference speeds must be adjusted to the values
indicated by the corresponding correction table.
Takeoff Total Distance
The total takeoff distance is calculated by first computing the total takeoff distance in non-icing
conditions from
(metric units),
OFF, standard units) and
(ACS OFF, metric units) and then correcting that
distance for takeoff in or into known icing conditions by using the corrections in
Icing correction (%) = A + B + C
Due to the increased reference speed associated with icing conditions, the relative effect
of wind on field performance becomes less pronounced. Thus, the wind effect given by
the performance graphs (for non-icing conditions) needs to be attenuated (weakened).
That is why a headwind component leads to an increase in the required field length, and a
tailwind leads to a decrease (as illustrated by
Section 5 - Performance (EASA Approved)
Flight in Icing Conditions - Takeoff Performance
Pilot's Operating Handbook
Report No: 02406
Issue date: Dec 18, 2020
Page 5-4-5-1