Standard Tables
This section contains all of the required and complementary performance data for airplane
operation. Aircraft performance associated with optional equipment and systems which require
supplements is provided in Section 9, Supplements.
The performance information presented in this section is derived from actual flight test data
corrected to standard day conditions and analytically expanded for the different parameters
such as weight, altitude, and temperature, etc. This information does not account for many
factors that the pilot must evaluate before each takeoff such as pilot proficiency, aircraft
condition, runway surface and slope other than that specified, or the effect of winds aloft.
When necessary, a performance chart (table) will specify the aircraft configuration and the
procedure to achieve the published performance.
The takeoff, accelerate-stop and landing distance performance chart data is based on a
surface. Runways that are wet, or contaminated with slush or
snow will adversely affect the runway coefficient of friction and subsequently increase the
takeoff, accelerate-stop and landing distance.
is provided to assist the pilot in the preflight performance
calculations as required by the operating regulations. Each performance chart (table) has an
example plotted to indicate the proper sequence in which to use the chart and determine
accurate performance data.
All performance data is limited to between the -55 °C (-67 °F) and +50 °C (122 °F) outside air
temperature limits. Some tables presented in this section show data for temperatures below
-55 °C (-67 °F) which is purely for ease of interpolation between data points. These
temperature areas in the tables are shaded.
Performance data regarding takeoff, landing and accelerate-stop distances is presented up to
14,000 ft. This does not, however, imply an operational limitation of the aircraft. Field
performance data at higher altitudes can be supplied under special request.
The stall speeds shown in the performance charts are achieved at an entry rate of 1 knot/
second. Maximum altitude loss observed during the stall was 300 feet. During an accelerated
stall, a rapid pitch-down in excess of 30° may result with an altitude loss of up to 500 feet.
When landing with flaps set to less than 40°, the total landing distances will be increased by
the following factors:
Flap Setting
The ADAHRS removes most of the error due to static pressure source measurements. A small
residual error exists; this error is typically no more than 1 knot on airspeed or 30 ft on altimeter
readings for retracted flaps at all airspeeds and for extended flaps below 100 KIAS.
The ADAHRS SAT indication in the air may be treated as OAT for reading the performance
graphs and/or table entries. SAT indication on the ground may not be accurate.
Section 5 - Performance (EASA Approved)
Standard Tables
Pilot's Operating Handbook
Report No: 02406
Issue date: Mar 06, 2020
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