See also on-screen keyboard and writing pad.
A device that can both transmit and receive sig-
nals. On local area networks (LANs), a transceiver
is the device that connects a computer to the
network and converts signals to and from parallel
and serial form.
Universal serial bus (USB)
A physical cable system for connecting computer
equipment that supports Plug and Play installation.
Using USB, you can connect and disconnect devices
without shutting down or restarting your comput-
er.You can use a single USB port to connect as
many as 127 peripheral devices, including speakers,
telephones, CD-ROM drives, joysticks, tape drives,
keyboards, scanners, and cameras.A USB port is
usually located on the back of your computer near
the serial port or parallel port.
USB cable
See universal serial bus (USB).
USB controller
The chip on the motherboard of your computer
that enables USB devices, such as a DesXcape
150DM, to communicate with the operating system
of the computer.
User account (for computer)
An account on a computer that stores the
Windows user name, password and other informa-
tion for a computer user.
User connection
A communication link between your computer and
your DesXcape 150DM.You use a connection to
gain access to the resources of your computer
from your DesXcape 150DM.The connections that
are configured on your DesXcape 150DM appear
in the left column of the Dashboard.
See wired equivalent privacy (WEP).
WEP key
A secret word or phrase that is used to encrypt
data sent over a wireless network. It is essential to
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) security.When
WEP security is enabled, every computer or device
on the network must use the key to access net-
work services.
Wide area network (WAN)
A communications network connecting geographi-
cally separated computers, printers, and other
devices.A WAN allows any connected device to
interact with any other on the network.The
Internet is an example of a WAN.
Windows Powered Smart Display
A digital device powered by Microsoft Windows
CE for Smart Displays that acts as a wireless com-
puter terminal. It allows a computer user to wire-
lessly connect to a computer, run applications, read
and respond to e-mail, and browse the Internet
from any room in the house. DesXcape 150DM is
classified as a Windows Powered Smart Display.
Wired equivalent privacy (WEP)
A security mechanism for wireless networks.WEP
security requires every computer or device on the
network to use the secret encryption key to access
network services.
Wireless access point
A hardware device that wirelessly receives and
transmits network data. A typical wireless access
point supports several users within a range that
varies from less than 100 feet to more than 300 feet.
Wireless local area network (WLAN)
See wireless network.
Wireless network
A network of computers connected by some
means other than wire cables. Most wireless net-
works connect through radio waves. Other types
of wireless networks include infrared and
microwave satellite networks.
Wireless network adapter
An internal or external device that uses specially
authorized radio frequencies to connect two or
more computers. Data is divided into small packets
and transferred by radio between your computer
and radio transceiver.
See also transceiver.
Wireless router
A type of wireless access point that links a wired
network with a wireless network or links two
wireless networks together.Wireless routers often
include hardware that connects to an Internet
service provider (ISP).
Writing pad
An Input Panel option that allows users to enter
data by writing directly to the touch screen of a
DesXcape 150DM.Your DesXcape 150DM recog-
nizes the hand written words and converts them
to text.