AutoZ Alignment (Figure 3).
1. Manually raise stage until samples are focused in CCD image. Height for
a bare holder is 17mm.
a. Raise stage to Z= 17- sample thickness (i.e. 16.5mm for typical
Summitt ->
In “Image” window, “Stage” tab, type new value into
Z(mm). Push
button and stage will move.
2. Viewing through glass windows and CCD camera image, translate to
desired sample with digital joystick (Stage Controller,
Figure 4
Summitt ->
“SXI/AutoZ” tab in “Image” window. Pick the desired x-ray
settings for AutoZ. 200um file is typical-- larger spot gives better statistics.
(HP option is not available for AutoZ.)
a. Auto Z viewer should be “on” and “Point” should be selected.
b. If sample is likely to charge, may need “Neutralizer” and “Ion Gun
Neut.” See Section VII: Starting the Ion Gun.
Summitt ->
“Image” Window, push
to start routine. If need to stop
AutoZ routine, press
button again. Watch progress—counts should
increase until maximum. The stage height will rise for routine increments
and then decrease and rise again in smaller steps until done. Push “Ok”
and close AutoZ window when finished.
a. If final height is not on desired sample, repeat when centered on
desired sample.
b. If AutoZ routine fails, manually lower Z to a lower starting position
after entering new value) and retry.
c. Best result when have more than 1000cps in AutoZ.
d. Do not do AutoZ on a tilted sample. AutoZ is already calibrated for
Data Acquisition
1. To perform a survey scan, type
into the “Region Name” box in the
Summitt “Acquisition Setting”
window. Change the default parameters as
needed. Typical settings include:
Pass Energy: 117.4eV (gives 1.5eV energy resolution)
Range: 0-1000eV, or 0-1400eV if needed
Energy Step: 1eV
Time/Step: 20ms
1 repeat; 3 total cycles (upper left).
2. To perform a high resolution scan, type desired element and transition into
“Region Name” (i.e. C1s, O1s, Ag3d5
a. Press
Element Table
to open periodic table to select
elements/transitions. Push
for desired transition.
b. Change the default parameters as needed. Typical settings