Phcbi MPR-215F Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 33





Oplysninger  til  brugerne  om  afhændelse  af  elektriske  apparater  og 

elektronisk udstyr (private husholdninger) 

Når  produkter  og/eller  medfølgende  dokumenter  indeholder 

dette symbol, betyder det, at elektriske apparater og elektronisk 

udstyr  ikke  må  smides  ud  sammen  med  det  almindelige 

For at sikre en korrekt behandling, indsamling og genbrug, skal 








indsamlingssteder,  hvor  de  vil  blive  modtaget  uden  ekstra 

omkostninger. I nogle lande er der også mulighed for, at du kan 

indlevere  dine  produkter  hos  den  lokale  forhandler,  hvis  du 

køber et nyt og tilsvarende produkt. 

Hvis du afhænder dette produkt på korrekt vis, vil det være med at spare på de 

værdifulde  naturlige  råstoffer  og  forhindre  eventuelle  negative  påvirkninger  på 

folkesundheden  og  miljøet,  hvilket  ellers  kunne  blive  følgerne  af  en  forkert 

håndtering  af  affaldet.  Kontakt  de  lokale  myndigheder  for  at  få  yderligere 

oplysninger om, hvor du kan finde det nærmeste indsamlingssted. 
I  visse  lande  vil  en  forkert  afhændelse  af  affaldet  medføre  en  bødestraf  i 

henhold til de gældende bestemmelser på området. 

Professionelle brugere i EU 

Hvis du ønsker at smide elektriske apparater eller elektronisk udstyr ud, skal du 

kontakte din forhandler eller leverandør for at få yderligere oplysninger. 

Oplysninger om afhændelse i lande uden for EU 

Dette symbol er kun gyldigt i EU. 
Hvis du ønsker at afhænde dette produkt, skal du rette henvendelse til de lokale 

myndigheder  eller  din  forhandler.  Her  kan  du  få  oplysninger  om,  hvordan  du 

bedst kommer af med produktet. 

Informaţii pentru utilizatori, privind eliminarea echipamentelor electrice şi 

electronice uzate (proprietate particulară) 

Acest  simbol,  de  pe  produse  şi/sau  documentele  însoţitoare, 

are semnificaţia că produsele electrice şi electronice uzate nu 

trebuiesc amestecate cu deşeurile menajere generale. 
În  scopul  aplicării  unui  tratament  corespunzător,  recuperării  şi 

reciclării,  vă  rugăm  să  predaţi  aceste  produse  la  punctele  de 

colectare  desemnate,  unde  vor  fi  acceptate  gratuit.  Ca  o 

alternativă,  în  unele  ţări,  există  posibilitatea  să  returnaţi 

produsele  dumneavoastră  uzate  furnizorului  cu  amănuntul,  în 

momentul achiziţionării unui produs echivalent nou. 
Eliminarea  corectă  a  acestor  produse  uzate  va  ajuta  la 

economisirea  unor  resurse  valoroase  şi  la  prevenirea  oricăror  efecte  potenţial 

negative asupra sănătăţii umane şi a mediului înconjurător, care, în caz contrar 

ar  putea  fi  cauzate  prin  manipularea  necorespunzătoare  a  deşeurilor.  Pentru 

mai  multe  detalii  privind  cele  mai  apropiate  puncte  de  colectare,  vă  rugăm  să 

contactaţi autorităţile locale. 
Pentru  eliminarea  incorectă  a  acestui  tip  de  deşeuri  se  pot  aplica  amenzi,  în 

conformitate cu legislaţia naţională. 

Pentru utilizatorii comerciali din Uniunea Europeană 

Dacă doriţi să vă debarasaţi de echipamente electrice şi electronice, vă rugăm 

să  contactaţi  distribuitorul  sau  furnizorul  dumneavoastră,  pentru  mai  multe 


Informaţii privind eliminarea deşeurilor în ţările din afara Uniunii Europene 

Acest simbol este valabil numai în Uniunea Europeană. 
Dacă  doriţi  să  eliminaţi  acest  tip  de  produse  uzate,  vă  rugăm  să  contactaţi 

autorităţile locale sau distribuitorul şi să aflaţi metoda corectă de eliminare.


Información sobre la eliminación para los usuarios de equipos eléctricos y 

electrónicos usados (particulares) 

La  aparición  de  este  símbolo  en  un  producto  y/o  en  la 

documentación  adjunta  indica  que  los  productos  eléctricos  y 

electrónicos  usados  no  deben  mezclarse  con  la  basura 

doméstica general. 
Para que estos productos se sometan a un proceso adecuado 

de  tratamiento,  recuperación  y  reciclaje,  llévelos  a  los  puntos 

de recogida designados, donde los admitirán sin coste alguno. 

En algunos países existe también la posibilidad de devolver los 

productos  a  su  minorista  local  al  comprar  un  producto  nuevo 


Si  desecha  el  producto  correctamente,  estará  contribuyendo  a  preservar 

valiosos recursos y a evitar cualquier posible efecto negativo en la salud de las 

personas y en el medio ambiente que pudiera producirse debido al tratamiento 

inadecuado de desechos. Póngase en contacto con su autoridad local para que 

le informen detalladamente sobre el punto de recogida designado más cercano. 
De  acuerdo  con  la  legislación  nacional,  podrían  aplicarse  multas  por  la 

eliminación incorrecta de estos desechos. 

Para empresas de la Unión Europea


Si desea desechar equipos eléctricos y electrónicos, póngase en contacto con 

su distribuidor o proveedor para que le informe detalladamente. 

Información  sobre  la  eliminación  en  otros  países  no  pertenecientes  a  la 

Unión Europea


Este símbolo sólo es válido en la Unión Europea. 
Si  desea  desechar  este  producto,  póngase  en  contacto  con  las  autoridades 

locales o con su distribuidor para que le informen sobre el método correcto de 


Informacja  dla  użytkowników  o  pozbywaniu  się  urządzeń  elektrycznych  i 

elektronicznych (dotyczy gospodarstw domowych) 

Przedstawiony  symbol  umieszczony  na  produktach  lub 

dołączonej  do  nich  dokumentacji  informuje,  że  niesprawnych 

urządzeń  elektrycznych  lub  elektronicznych  nie  można 

wyrzucać razem z odpadami gospodarczymi. 
Prawidłowe  postępowanie  w  razie  konieczności  pozbycia  się 

urządzeń  elektrycznych  lub  elektronicznych,  utylizacji, 

powtórnego  użycia  lub  odzysku  podzespołów  polega  na 

przekazaniu urządzenia do wyspecjalizowanego punktu zbiórki, 

gdzie będzie przyjęte bezpłatnie. W niektórych krajach produkt 

można  oddać  lokalnemu  dystrybutorowi  podczas  zakupu 

innego urządzenia. 
Prawidłowa  utylizacja  urządzenia  umożliwia  zachowanie  cennych  zasobów  i 

uniknięcie  negatywnego  wpływu  na  zdrowie  i  środowisko,  które  może  być 

zagrożone  przez  nieodpowiednie  postępowanie  z  odpadami.  Szczegółowe 

informacje o najbliższym punkcie zbiórki można uzyskać u władz lokalnych. 
Nieprawidłowa  utylizacja  odpadów  zagrożona  jest  karami  przewidzianymi  w 

odpowiednich przepisach lokalnych. 

Użytkownicy biznesowi w krajach Unii Europejskiej 

W razie konieczności pozbycia się urządzeń elektrycznych lub elektronicznych, 

prosimy  skontaktować  się  z  najbliższym  punktem  sprzedaży  lub  z  dostawcą, 

którzy udzielą dodatkowych informacji. 

Pozbywanie się odpadów w krajach poza Unią Europejską 

Taki symbol jest ważny tylko w Unii Europejskej. 
W razie potrzeby pozbycia się niniejszego produktu prosimy skontaktować się z 

lokalnymi  władzami  lub  ze  sprzedawcą  celem  uzyskania  informacji  o 

prawidłowym sposobie postępowania. 

Informácie  pre  užívateľov  o  likvidácii  použitého  elektrického  a 

elektronického zariadenia (súkromné domácnosti) 

Tento  symbol  na  produktoch  a/alebo  na  priložených 

dokumentoch  znamená,  že  použité  elektrické  a  elektronické 

zariadenia  sa  nesmú  miešať  so  všeobecným  domácim 

Pre  správne  zaobchádzanie,  obnovu  a  recykláciu,  odvezte 

prosím  tieto  produkty  na  určené  zberné  miesta,  kde  budú 

prijaté  bez  poplatku.  V  niektorých  krajinách  je  možné  tieto 

produkty  vrátiť  priamo  miestnemu  maloobchodu  v  prípade,  ak 

si objednáte podobný nový výrobok. 
Správna  likvidácia  týchto  produktov  pomôže  ušetriť  hodnotné 

zdroje a zabrániť možným negatívnym vplyvom na ľudské zdravie a prostredie, 

ktoré  môžu  vzniknúť  z  nesprávneho  zaobchádzania  s  odpadom.  Pre  bližšie 

informácie  o  vašom  najbližšom  zbernom  mieste  kontaktujte,  prosím,  vaše 

miestne úrady. 
V prípade nesprávnej likvidácie odpadu môžu byť uplatnené pokuty v súlade so 

štátnou legislatívou. 

Pre právnické osoby v Európskej únii 

Ak potrebujete zlikvidovať opotrebované elektrické a elektronické produkty, pre 

bližšie  informácie  kontaktujte,  prosím,  svojho  miestneho  predajcu  alebo 


Informácie  o  likvidácii  elektrického  a  elektronického  odpadu  v  krajinách 

mimo Európskej únie 

Tento symbol je platný iba v Európskej únii. 
Ak si prajete zlikvidovať tento produkt, pre bližšie informácie kontaktujte, prosím, 

vaše miestne úrady alebo predajcu a informujte sa o správnej metóde likvidácie. 

Informācija  lietotājiem  par  elektrisko  un  elektronisko  iekārtu  atkritumiem 

(privātās mājsaimniecības) 

Šis simbols uz produktiem un/vai pievienotajiem dokumentiem 

nozīmē,  ka  no  atkritumiem  paredzētajām  elektriskajām  un 

elektroniskajām iekārtām nedrīkst atbrīvoties kopā ar pārējiem 

mājsaimniecības atkritumiem. 
Pienācīgai  apstrādei,  reģenerācijai  un  pārstrādei,  lūdzu, 

nogādājiet  šos  produktus  tiem  paredzētajos  savākšanas 

punktos, kur tie tiks pieņemti bez maksas. Tāpat dažās valstīs 

jūs  iespējams  varēsiet  nogādāt  produktus  pie  tuvākā 

mazumtirgotāja, pērkot jaunu līdzvērtīgu produktu. 
Pareiza  atbrīvošanās  no  šiem  produktiem  palīdzēs  ietaupīt 

vērtīgus  resursus  un  izvairīties  no  potenciāli  negatīvas  iedarbības  uz  cilvēka 

veselību  un  apkārtējo  visi,  kas  varētu  notikt,  ja  atkritumi  netiktu  pienācīgi 

apstrādāti.  Lūdzu,  sazinieties  ar  vietējām  varas  iestādēm,  lai  saņemtu  sīkāku 

informāciju par tuvāko šādiem atkritumiem paredzēto savākšanas punktu. 
Var  tikt  piemēroti  sodi  par  nepareizi  šādu  atkritumu  apstrādi,  atbilstoši  valsts 


Komerclietotājiem Eiropas Savienībā 

Ja  vēlaties  atbrīvoties  no  elektrisko  un  elektronisko  iekārtu  atkritumiem,  lūdzu, 

sazinieties ar tuvāko dīleri vai piegādātāju, lai saņemtu sīkāku informāciju. 
Informācija par atbrīvošanos no šādiem atkritumiem valstīs, kas atrodas ārpus 

Eiropas Savienības 

Šis simbols ir derīgs tikai Eiropas Savienībā. 

Ja  vēlaties  atrbrīvoties  no  šī  produkta,  lūdzu,  sazinieties  ar  vietējām  varas 

iestādēm  vai  tuvāko  dīleri  un  uzziniet  pareizo  veidu,  kā  atbrīvoties  no  šādiem 









Содержание MPR-215F Series

Страница 1: ...ies Please read the operating instructions carefully before using this product and keep the operating instructions for future use See page 43 for all model numbers Operating Instructions Pharmaceutical Refrigerator ...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...Setting of low temperature alarmꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ21 SETTING OF ALARM BUZZER RECOVERYꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ22 OPERATION CHECK AFTER RECOVERY ꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ23 ALARM FUNCTIONSꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ24 SAFETY FUNCTIONS ꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ24 SELF DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTIONS ꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ...

Страница 4: ...ment of performance or functions Contact our sales representative or agent if any page of the operating instructions is lost or page order is incorrect Contact our sales representative or agent if any point in the operating instructions is unclear or if there are any inaccuracies No part of the operating instructions may be reproduced in any form without the expressed written permission of PHC Cor...

Страница 5: ... or death CAUTION Failure to observe CAUTION signs could result in injury to personnel and damage to the unit and associated property Symbol shows This symbol means caution This symbol means an action is prohibited This symbol means an instruction must be followed Be sure to keep the operating instructions in a place accessible to users of this unit Labels on the unit This mark is labeled on the c...

Страница 6: ...ower supply outlet is not grounded it will be necessary to install a ground by qualified engineers Never ground the unit through a gas pipe water main telephone line or lightning rod Such grounding may cause electric shock in the case of an incomplete circuit Connect the unit to a power source as indicated on the rating label attached to the unit Use of any other voltage or frequency other than th...

Страница 7: ...hock or fire When removing the power supply plug from the power supply outlet grip the power supply plug not the cord Pulling the power supply cord may result in electric shock or fire by short circuit Disconnect the power supply plug before moving the unit Take care not to damage the power supply cord A damaged power supply cord may cause electric shock or fire Disconnect the power supply plug wh...

Страница 8: ... a heat or ignition Never store corrosive substances such as acids or alkalis in the unit except in a sealed container These may be detrimental to health and may cause corrosion of internal components cooling circuit or electrical components Check the setting when starting up of operation after power failure or turning off of power switch The stored items may be damaged due to the change of settin...

Страница 9: ... C Maximum relative humidity 80 for temperature up to 31 o C decreasing linearly to 50 relative humidity at 40 o C Mains supply voltage fluctuations up to 10 of the nominal voltage Transient overvoltages up to the levels of OVERVOLTAGE CATEGORY II Temporary OVERVOLTAGES occurring on the mains supply Applicable pollution degree of the intended environment POLLUTION DEGREE 2 in most cases ...

Страница 10: ...8 REFRIGERATOR COMPONENTS Refrigerator unit Door gasket Lamp page 27 Remote alarm terminal page 12 Refrigerator 1 2 4 5 3 8 10 7 9 6 Back spacer page 12 Freezer Back side 11 inside Caster ...

Страница 11: ... sensor or cable of measuring equipment to enter the chamber from outside Also the capillary tube of temperature recorder is passed through the port Replace the insulations and the rubber caps when the access port is not used Improper replacement may cause rise of chamber temperature or condensation around the access port 8 Air intake vent lower back An intake vent for circulating the air in the r...

Страница 12: ...c function detects any abnormality page 25 6 Up arrow key Pressing this key for 5 seconds at temperature display mode causes the setting mode Pressing this key at setting mode makes the figure on the temperature display to change 7 Scroll key Pressing this key at setting mode makes the digit to be inputted on the temperature display to change Pressing this key for 5 seconds at temperature display ...

Страница 13: ...nstall the unit on a sturdy and level floor withstanding the total weight of the unit The uneven floor or tilted installation may cause failure or injury Unstable condition may cause vibration or noise A location not prone to high humidity Install the unit in the ambient of 80 R H or less humidity Installation under high humidity may cause current leakage or electric shock CAUTION The unit may col...

Страница 14: ... unit may be moved at the time of opening closing the door if the front casters contact with floor 3 Fixing the unit Fix the unit to the wall by using 2 back spacers and a rope or chain Fig 2 4 Ground earth the unit The ground earth is for preventing the electric shock in the case of the electrical insulation is somehow degraded Always ground the unit at the time of installation For a 3 prong plug...

Страница 15: ...efrigerator or freezer when other temperature setting is desired page 14 The storage items may be frozen practically when the refrigerator temperature is set to 3 o C or lower 3 On the temperature display check the refrigerator temperature reaches 5 o C and the freezer temperature reaches 30 o C or reaches the desired temperature 4 Check the lamp in the refrigerator is on by opening the refrigerat...

Страница 16: ...w key The display changes to 004 from 005 4 Press the set key SET The setting is memorized and the current refrigerator temperature is displayed with blink 5 Press the temperature display changeover key to display the freezer temperature The temperature display indicator for freezer is lit and the current freezer temperature is displayed with blink 6 Press the set key SET The current setting of fr...

Страница 17: ... Example Changing the lock status to ON from OFF initial setting Operation Key operated Display after operation 1 when during operation The current refrigerator or freezer temperature is displayed 2 Press the scroll key for 5 seconds The L0 is displayed and the first figure 0 blinks 3 Press the up arrow key once The display changes to L1 4 Press the set key SET The lock is ON and the current refri...

Страница 18: ...setting mode returns to the temperature display mode automatically when 90 seconds has passed without any key operation auto return function In this case the setting is not accepted To resume the freezer operation Following shows the procedure to resume the freezer operation The operation is resumed by setting the freezer temperature Example Setting the freezer temperature to 25 o C Following show...

Страница 19: ...ry CAUTION Too much frost is accumulated on the evaporator when the refrigerator is running under high temperature and humidity condition For example the defrosting operation is started once a week when the refrigerator is running with 2 o C setting at 30 o C 80 R H Defrosting of freezer The freezer has no automatic defrosting system Stop the freezer operation and remove the frost when the frost i...

Страница 20: ...efrigerator temperature The temperature display indicator for refrigerator is lit and the current refrigerator temperature is displayed 2 Press the up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first figure 0 blinks 3 Change 0 to 1 by pressing the up arrow key The display changes to F01 from F00 4 Press the set key SET The current setting of alarm 005 is displayed and the first figure 5 blin...

Страница 21: ...or for refrigerator is lit and the current refrigerator temperature is displayed 2 Press the up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first figure 0 blinks 3 Change 0 to 2 by pressing the up arrow key The display changes to F02 from F00 4 Press the set key SET The current setting of alarm 05 is displayed and the first figure 5 blinks 5 Change 5 to 3 by pressing the up arrow key The disp...

Страница 22: ...operation 1 Press the temperature display change over key to display the freezer temperature The temperature display indicator for freezer is lit and the current freezer temperature is displayed 2 Press the up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first figure 0 blinks 3 Change 0 to 3 by pressing the up arrow key The display changes to F03 from F00 4 Press the set key SET The current se...

Страница 23: ...fter operation 1 Press the temperature display change over key to display the freezer temperature The temperature display indicator for freezer is lit and the current freezer temperature is displayed 2 Press the up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first figure 0 blinks 3 Change 0 to 4 by pressing the up arrow key The display changes to F04 from F00 4 Press the set key SET The curre...

Страница 24: ...tes from 30 minutes Following shows an example Change the setting as necessary Operation Key operated Display after operation 1 The current refrigerator or freezer temperature is displayed 2 Press the up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first figure 0 blinks 3 Change 0 to 5 by pressing the up arrow key The display changes to F05 from F00 4 Press the scroll key The second figure 0 b...

Страница 25: ...f temperature setting alarm temperature alarm buzzer recovery time before power failure Accordingly there is no need for re set however always check the running status after recovery The setting is memorized by nonvolatile memory during power failure CAUTION After recovery from a power failure always check the unit starts the operation normally with the setting before power failure ...

Страница 26: ...r blinks Displayed temp blinks when the freezer temperature is displayed 0 o C alarm refrigerator only The refrigerator temperature reaches 0 o C Alarm indicator blinks Displayed temp blinks when the refrigerator temperature is displayed Intermittent tone Alarm status Power failure alarm Power failure The power supply cord is disconnected The power switch is off Alarm status Door alarm The refrige...

Страница 27: ...larm sensor is disconnected Alarm indicator blinks E07 and refrigerator or freezer temp are displayed alternately The alarm sensor is short circuited Alarm indicator blinks E08 and refrigerator or freezer temp are displayed alternately The protective sensor for compressor is disconnected Alarm indicator blinks E11 and refrigerator or freezer temp are displayed alternately The protective sensor for...

Страница 28: ...ed neutral dishwashing detergent Wipe off the condensation on the glass or exterior of the cabinet with a dry soft cloth Undiluted detergent can damage the plastic components For the dilution refer to the instruction of the detergent After the cleaning with the diluted detergent always wipe it off with a wet cloth Then wipe off the cabinet or accessories with a dry cloth Important Never pour water...

Страница 29: ...r Fig 2 4 Remove the bulb from the socket by turning it counterclockwise Fig 3 5 Install a new bulb to the socket and then replace the lamp cover Pay attention to the upside and downside direction of the lamp cover Bulb for replacement Incandescent lamp T22 E17 110 V or 125 V 10 W 6 Replace the storage items to the top shelf 7 Connect the power supply cord to the outlet and turn on the power switc...

Страница 30: ... activated during operation The door refrigerator or freezer was kept opened for a long time The door refrigerator or freezer is opened An error code is displayed on the temperature display page 25 Contact our sales representative or agent Noisy The floor is not sturdy The installation site is not level The unit is tilted The cabinet contacts the surrounding wall When the refrigerator or freezer d...

Страница 31: ...not have access and doors that doors are locked completely with a key The disposal of the unit should be accomplished by appropriate personnel Always remove doors to prevent accidents such as suffocation Decontamination of unit Before disposing the unit with biohazardous danger decontaminate the unit to the extent possible by the user ...

Страница 32: ...εν πρέπει να απορριφθούν μαζί με οικιακά απορρίμματα Προκειμένου να πραγματοποιηθεί η κατάλληλη επεξεργασία και ανακύκλωση αποσύρετε αυτά τα προϊόντα σε ανάλογα σημεία περισυλλογής όπου θα γίνουν δεκτά χωρίς χρέωσή σας Εναλλακτικά σε ορισμένες χώρες μπορείτε να επιστρέψετε τα προϊόντα σε τοπικά καταστήματα με σκοπό την αγορά ανάλογου νέου προϊόντος Η ορθή απόρριψη αυτού του προϊόντος βοηθάει στην ...

Страница 33: ... pertenecientes a la Unión Europea Este símbolo sólo es válido en la Unión Europea Si desea desechar este producto póngase en contacto con las autoridades locales o con su distribuidor para que le informen sobre el método correcto de eliminación Informacja dla użytkowników o pozbywaniu się urządzeń elektrycznych i elektronicznych dotyczy gospodarstw domowych Przedstawiony symbol umieszczony na pro...

Страница 34: ...aardevolle hulpbronnen en voorkomt u potentiële negatieve gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid en het milieu die anders kunnen ontstaan door een onjuiste verwerking van afval Neem contact op met uw gemeente voor meer informatie over het dichtstbijzijnde inzamelingspunt of raadpleeg www nvmp nl www ictoffice nl of www stibat nl Voor zakelijke gebruikers in de Europese Unie Neem voor het weggooien van e...

Страница 35: ... produkt Hvis du kasserer dette produktet på riktig måte bidrar til du til å bevare verdifulle ressurser og til å motvirke de negative virkningene på miljøet og den menneskelige helse som kan forårsakes av feilaktig avfallsbehandling Ta kontakt med de lokale myndigheter hvis du ønsker ytterligere informasjon om ditt nærmeste innsamlingspunkt Feilaktig kassering av dette utstyret kan kanskje bøtele...

Страница 36: ...wer left of front panel In the case of no use of MTR 4015LH MPR S30 MTR 4015LH For freezer Lower left of front panel MPR S30 MTR G3504A or MTR G3504C For both refrigerator and freezer Lower left of front panel MPR S7 WARNING Always disconnect the power supply to the unit before starting the installation of recorder to prevent electric shock or injury Left side view Access port for refrigerator Acc...

Страница 37: ... recorder sensor to the attachment hole on the back side of the refrigerator by using the large clips provided as an accessory Fig 5 5 Arrange the capillary tube so that it cannot contact the shelf Care should be taken for the following points to avoid the crush of the tube when bending the capillary tube Do not bend the capillary tube for 30 mm from the edge of the recorder sensor Do not bend and...

Страница 38: ...oth sides outward Fig 1 2 Attach the temperature recorder MTR 0621LH to the recorder fixing MPR S30 by referring to the instruction manual enclosed with the recorder fixing Fig 2 3 Remove the cap on the port for taking out the recorder sensor and take out the recorder sensor Then set the temperature recorder with recorder fixing to the space for a temperature recorder Fig 3 Fig 1 Panel cover Shaft...

Страница 39: ...fixture MPR S30 Fig 6 6 Arrange the capillary tube so that it cannot contact the shelf Care should be taken for the following points to avoid the crush of the tube when bending the capillary tube Do not bend the capillary tube for 30 mm from the edge of the sensor Do not bend and extend the capillary tube repeatedly at the same point The bending should be R10 R15 7 Operate the unit until the refri...

Страница 40: sides outward Fig 1 2 Attach the temperature recorder MTR 4015LH to the recorder fixing MPR S30 by referring to the instruction manual enclosed with the recorder fixing Fig 2 3 Remove the cap on the port for taking out the recorder sensor and take out the recorder sensor Then set the temperature recorder with recorder fixing to the space for a temperature recorder Fig 3 Fig 1 Panel cover Shaft ...

Страница 41: ...ture MPR S30 Fig 6 6 Arrange the capillary tube so that it cannot contact the shelf Care should be taken for the following points to avoid the crush of the tube when bending the capillary tube Do not bend the capillary tube for 30 mm from the edge of the sensor Do not bend and extend the capillary tube repeatedly at the same point The bending should be R10 R15 7 Operate the unit until the freezer ...

Страница 42: ... the recorder fixture Fig 2 3 Remove the connector cover on the unit by pushing the lock under the cover Connect the power supply connector of the temperature recorder with the connector on the unit Fig 3 WARNING Always disconnect the power supply to the unit to prevent electric shock or injury since the connector on the unit is energized 4 Remove the cap on the port for taking out the recorder se...

Страница 43: ...sor for refrigerator to the attachment hole on the back side of the refrigerator by using the clips enclosed with the recorder fixture MPR S7 Fig 7 7 Fix the recorder sensor for freeze to the attachment hole on the left side of the freezer by using the clips enclosed with the recorder fixture MPR S7 Fig 8 8 Operate the unit until the chamber refrigerator and freezer temperature gets to the set tem...

Страница 44: ...efrosting Cycle defrost and forced defrost Refrigerator Natural defrost by stopping operation Freezer Defrost heater 46 3 W Refrigerator Temperature controller Electronic control system Temperature display Digital display in 1 o C increments Thermal sensor Thermister sensor Alarms High temp alarm Low temp alarm 0 o C alarm Refrigerator only Door alarm Power failure alarm remote alarm only Safety f...

Страница 45: ... C ambient temp 5 o C to 30 o C no load Noise level 35 dB 36 dB A scale 50 Hz 60 Hz Maximum pressure 1900 kPa Rated voltage AC 110 V AC 115 V AC 220 V AC 220 V 230 V 240 V Rated frequency 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz Power consumption 175 W 260 W 170 W 155 W Usable condition 5 o C to 30 o C 80 R H or less The above data is measured based on our internal basis Design or specifications will be subject to...

Страница 46: ...Contamination of the unit Unit interior No contamination Yes No Decontaminated Yes No Contaminated Yes No Others 3 Instructions for safe repair maintenance disposal of the unit a The unit is safe to work on Yes No b There is some danger see below Yes No Procedure to be adhered to in order to reduce safety risk indicated in b below Date Signature Address Division Telephone Product name Pharmaceutic...

Страница 47: ......

Страница 48: ...Printed in Japan LDCL036900 2 S0418 20119 1 1 1 Sakada Oizumi machi Ora gun Gunma 370 0596 Japan PHC Corporation 2018 ...
