2. Server URL:
Input FTP upload network address (sub-directory address not needed).
3. User & Password:
Input the username and password to login the FTP server.
4. Remote Path:
Input the path to place in the FTP server.
5. Interval Sec:
Setup the time interval for uploading picture.
6. Enable file name:
Click "Enable" or "Disable" to turn on/off FTP file name setup.
7. file name:
FTP file name
5.10 E-MAIL
Figure 27.
IP Camera setup - E-Mail upload captured image setup
Descriptions for controls in this page are as follows:
1. E-mail Service:
Enable / Disable: Click "Enable" or "Disable" to turn on/off the service of timely
capturing and sending captured image to e-mail address. The netwrok camera will
automatically capture image and upload it to assigned e-mail address.
2. Mail Server:
Input your mail server address for sending mail (POP3 Server).
3. Sender's Address:
Input your sending e-mail address for mail receiving software to identify.