Information is shown on the software version being run by the console as well as
the current authorization level and Fixture Definitions installed. Pressing Shift
prior to touching SOFTWARE will display a more detailed list of software,
hardware and library version numbers.
Copy Logs to USB
Should you require support and you are asked to provide the operational and
error log files, this option allows you to save these logs to a USB drive. With a
thumb drive inserted into one of the USB ports, simply touch the Copy Logs to
USB icon. Once the operation is complete, you may then send the logs to your
support contact. Insert the USB drive into a Mac or Windows computer with an
Internet connection, and select the appropriate CLICK TO SEND action provided.
Send Logs
If your console is connected to the Internet, rather than copying the logs to USB,
you can opt to just send the logs directly. Depending on the size of your show
files and your upload speed, this may take from one minute to several minutes.
Update System
From time to time, software updates will be issued for Cognito. A link to these
update is posted on the Controls product page on the Pathway Connectivity
website ( or on the Pathway product forums
( You may also download directly from There will be a README.TXT in
the zip file with these instructions.
1. Using any computer, unzip the downloaded software update file to the root
directory of a portable USB drive formatted Fat32. A file ending in .CogSys
(or .CogUpd for the original Cognito consoles) will now be present on the
USB drive.
2. Plug the USB drive into any of the USB ports on the console.
3. Press the Power button
once, then choose Setup from the onscreen
4. Touch the Software icon, then ‘Update System’ at the bottom of the