As mentioned above, cue timing is irrelevant when a Playlist is a chase. Each
cue is now a step in the chase and a beat clock will advance from one step to the
next automatically without the need for setting the Follow properties in each cue.
Rate - The rate is measured in Beats Per Minute (BPM). So, if the chase is running
at 60 BPM, each second will advance to a new step. Roll the blue D
wheel to
adjust the rate in real time or touch the control and type in a specific rate.
Tap Sync - If you’re synchronizing to music and you can hear the beat, tap this
button in time to adjust the rate. The rate will be updated after three taps and will
show in the Rate bubble. Sometimes it’s useful to tap in time to the music for a
bit, then watch the stage with your hand on the blue wheel and subtly adjust the
time to get it just right.
Multipliers - The bottom row of four buttons multiplies the Rate. This is useful
when busking a show to give a different feel to an underlying look by doubling or
halving the base time. When you touch these buttons, the Rate value shown does
not change. Only one of these can be down at a time and to go back to the
prescribed rate, press any active button to deactivate the multipliers.